Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What do I do now with this guy?

Alright that was long. ha. Well it seems as though you really like this guy. If he says he's not ready for a relationship then you have to take it day by day. Keep it low key even though you want more. I'm in a relationship right now and I'm crazy about her I now we were meant for each other But, she is taking it really slow. (shes getting completely over an ex) So I take it day by day even thought I want her to know that I can't stop thinking about her and that she is the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I say that to show you I know it's hard to keep it low key if you really care for someone. As for asking him on a date, wait a few days and then ask him out to a ball game or something you both will enjoy but, ask him like you would ask a friend. Make it seem like you just want to hang out with him. While at the game you can ask him about helping you move. That's a good idea to ask him cause he won't say no unless he's really busy. Plus it gives you another day to see him. Just show him that your not something he should pass up on. It will take time. Patience is key. I deal with patience everyday trust me I know it's hard to be patient. Where are you moving to??? If it's far from him it will be tough to get a relationship with him. Show him that you are something special. You can text him and tell him that. That shows him you are mature and that you care about him. I Hope You Find Your Happiness, Caleb

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