Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why is he contacting me after so long?

Yeah, he'll do and say anything to get the feeling like he is a stud. He is probably feeling rejected or dull right now and needs to use someone who knows him and for sure likes him more than he likes her in order to get his ego up and kickin' again, and like a wild animal wounded and nursed back to health, he'll say, see ya! Nice catchin' up. Have a nice life.... then you will feel used and all of your strength and unfailing stability that you displayed by not existing to him anymore will be laughable and you'll be the sucker... AND he'll call and expect you to take him in again next time.... it happens every minute. It's the oldest story there is... exactly as you told it. Men love the chase. As soon as they have you (when you proclaim your love for him) the fun is over and "settling" comes next... eewe... so he leaves, breaks the bond, then comes back without an attachment just for the fun part... wasting your time and making the most out of every minute of his own time. He's a jack ***. Make him suffer. Men don't realize that women are right, or that they ever did anything to hurt them, they just memorize the apology words and rehearse them till it gets them laid. There ya have it.

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